The slurmd
charm support installing Singularity using a Juju action.
This action will install Singularity using the supplied packages (.deb for Ubuntu or .rpm for CentOS) as Juju Resources. We recommend downloading them from GitHub Releases.
For example, you can download the appropriate file to your operating system from:
The .deb or .rpm files must be supplied as Juju resources.
Before running the action, the packages must supplied as Juju resources, according to each operating system:
When deploying the charm:
$ juju deploy slurmd --resource singularity-deb=singularity-ce_3.10.2-focal_amd64.deb
Or on a deployed charm:
$ juju attach-resource slurmd singularity-deb=singularity-ce_3.10.2-focal_amd64.deb
When deploying the charm:
$ juju deploy slurmd --resource singularity-rpm=singularity-ce-3.10.2-1.el7.x86_64.rpm --series centos7
Or on a deployed charm:
$ juju attach-resource slurmd singularity-rpm=singularity-ce-3.10.2-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
With the .deb or .rpm files supplied as Juju resources, we can run the action
that will install Singularity on the slurmd
$ juju run-action slurmd/leader singularity-install
This might take a few minutes to complete. After that, we can check the installation using:
$ juju run --unit slurmd/leader "singularity --version"