Nodes operations#

This section walks through configurations and actions dealing with Slurm compute nodes.

Adding nodes#

When adding nodes to the cluster, they always join Slurm in down state, with New node as the reason. This allows the cluster administrator to install and configure dependencies before the node can run jobs.

To add an additional compute node, use juju. Assuming the name of your slurmd application is slurmd, run the following command:

$ juju add-unit slurmd


If you need to add multiple units at the same time, you can specify the --num-units flag. For example, to add 10 compute nodes:

$ juju add-unit slurmd --num-units=10

After a newly added node has been prepared and is ready to join the cluster, you can enlist the node to change its state from down to idle:

$ juju run-action slurmd/1 node-configured

Removing nodes#

Removing nodes are as simple as:

$ juju remove-unit slurmd/4


This is a destructive operation. If the node is running a job, this job will be killed and Slurm will not requeue it. It is the system administrator's responsibility to ensure that the node can be safely removed.

We recommend placing nodes in the drain state before removing them from the cluster (see Draining nodes). Placing a node in the drain state will prevent if from being allocated to incoming jobs and provides a method for a safe removal.

Draining nodes#

We provide an action in the slurmctld charm to drain nodes. You need to know in advance the hostname of the nodes you want to drain and also specify a reason to drain. You can specify more than one node, by using the Slurm convention:

$ juju run-action slurmctld/leader drain nodename=juju-724cba-[1,3] reason="Maintenance - drive failure" --wait
  UnitId: slurmctld/0
  id: "26"
  - 2021-04-28 17:13:06 -0300 -03 Draining juju-724cba-[1,3] because Maintenance -
    drive failure.
    nodes: juju-724cba-[1,3]
    status: draining
  status: completed
    completed: 2021-04-28 20:13:07 +0000 UTC
    enqueued: 2021-04-28 20:13:04 +0000 UTC
    started: 2021-04-28 20:13:06 +0000 UTC

We recommend running this action in the leader of slurmctld application instead of using the unit number, just for convenience.


This action is to drain nodes only. To drain partitions, see Changing partition state.


Although it is possible to change the node state with scontrol, that change will be overwritten by the charms whenever OSD needs to update the Slurm configuration file.

Resuming nodes#

We provide an action in slurmctld charm to resume nodes. The resume action has a syntax similar to update command of Slurm's scontrol:

$ juju run-action slurmctld/leader resume nodename=juju-724cba-[1,3] --wait
  UnitId: slurmctld/0
  id: "32"
  - 2021-04-28 17:17:23 -0300 -03 Resuming juju-724cba-[1,3].
    nodes: juju-724cba-[1,3]
    status: resuming
  status: completed
    completed: 2021-04-28 20:17:23 +0000 UTC
    enqueued: 2021-04-28 20:17:18 +0000 UTC
    started: 2021-04-28 20:17:23 +0000 UTC


It is the administrator's responsibility to ensure that the node is ready to run jobs. Please double check that juju status output is all green for the node, as well as all custom configuration and dependencies are set up.

If the node is not ready to run jobs and is resumed, it might crash queued jobs.


Although it is possible to change the node state with scontrol, that change will be overwritten by the charms whenever OSD needs to update the Slurm configuration file.

Rebooting Nodes#

There are multiple ways of rebooting machines controlled via Juju. Our suggestion to reboot a specific unit is to run sudo reboot via a juju ssh command, either specifying a unit or a machine number:

$ juju ssh foo/2 "sudo reboot"
$ juju ssh 42 "sudo reboot"


This command will return with an non-zero status code, because the SSH connection will be interrupted when the machines turns off. This is expected:

$ juju ssh slurmd/leader "sudo reboot"
Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.
ERROR subprocess encountered error code 255


This command will immediately reboot the nodes. If there are any jobs running, they will be forcefully terminated. Be sure to have the nodes in down state before running this command (if rebooting compute nodes).

Another options, when all that is needed is to reboot a Slurm compute node (any unit running the Slurmd charm), is to use Slurm's scontrol reboot command, wrapped in juju run:

$ juju run --unit slurmctld/leader "scontrol reboot ASAP c-01,g-01"

The advantage of this approach is that it will not reboot the node if there are any jobs running.

The scontrol reboot command has other optional parameters that can be useful, check the Slurm documentation for more details.