
We recommend to use one slurmd application for each partition in your cluster. So, to add a new partition you need to deploy a new slurmd charm, with a new Juju application name.

Adding partitions#

The easiest way to add a new partition is to modify the slurm-bundles/slurm-core/bundle.yaml file with your new application.

To add a slurmd-debug application for the debug partition, we need to:

  • add the application;

  • add a relation to the slurmctld charm;

  • add extra options depending on the cloud provider.

So, edit the bundle file to add a new entry in the applications section:

    charm: slurmd
    num_units: 1
    charm: slurmd
    num_units: 1

And similarly, the relations:

  - - slurmctld:slurmd
    - slurmd-debug:slurmd

If you need any custom configurations for your cloud provider, you could add them in this file or in the used overlay file. For example, we provide constraints and bindings for AWS clouds as an overlay in slurm-bundles/slurm-core/clouds/aws.yaml. If deploying to AWS, you should also copy those bindings to the new application.

After that, re-deploy the bundle:

$ juju deploy ./path/to/bundle.yaml

Alternatively, it is possible to manually add a new partition without a bundle file:

$ juju deploy slurmd slurmd-debug

This command will pull the slurmd charm from Charmhub and create a new application named slurmd-debug. It is possible to specify the operating system to use for this application with the flag --series centos7 or --series focal. This approach requires issuing another command to relate this new application to slurmctld:

$ juju relate slurmd-debug slurmctld

Changing partition name#

By default, the charms create a unique name for each partition, based on the name of the Juju Application. You can change the partition name with a Juju configuration command:

$ juju config slurmd-debug partition-name=debug

Alternatively, you can set the partition name in the bundle file:

  charm: slurmd
  num_units: 1
    partition-name: debug

Setting the default partition#

To set the default partition, you must configure slurmctld:

$ juju config slurmctld default-partition=debug

Alternatively, you can set the partition name in the bundle file:

  charm: slurmctld
  num_units: 1
    default-partition: debug

Changing partition state#

To change the partition state to one of UP, DOWN, DRAIN, or INACTIVE:

$ juju config slurmd-debug partition-state=DRAIN

By default, the partition is in the UP state.


Although it is possible to change the partition state with scontrol, that change will be overwritten by the charms whenever OSD needs to update the Slurm configuration file.

Extra partition configuration options#

OSD allows the administrator to set any partition configuration, using the charm configuration partition-config. Please refer to the official Slurm documentation for configuring partitions for details on all options available. The partition name and state should not be set with this configuration, please refer to Configuration - Slurmd for details on all configuration options.

The partition-config option should be one line, with each configuration in the format key=value separated by a space.

For example, to set the DefaultTime for a partition to 45 minutes and the MaxTime to 2 hours:

$ juju config slurmd partition-config="DefaultTime=45:00 MaxTime=1:00:00"

# running sinfo to check the partition TIMELIMIT
$ juju run --unit slurmctld/leader sinfo
osd-slurmd    up    1:00:00      1   down juju-f48c73-262