
OSD can forward internal logs to a centralized place using the built-in integration (a Juju relation) to Fluentbit.


Fluentbit is a lightweight and high-performance log processor and forwarder, and is available as a Juju charm: charm-fluentbit

OSD configures Fluentbit to automatically forward the following logs:

  • NHC logs (/var/log/nhc.log), only on the compute nodes (running slurmd charm)

  • internal Slurm logs:

    • /var/log/slurm/slurmctld.log on the nodes running slurmctld charm

    • /var/log/slurm/slurmd.log on the nodes running slurmd charm

    • /var/log/slurm/slurmdbd.log on the nodes running slurmdbd charm

Each log entry is enriched with:

  • cluster-name

  • hostname

  • service (one of nhc, slurmd, slurmdbd, slurmctld)

  • partition-name (only for nodes running the slurmd charm)


To deploy the fluentbit charm and relate it to the other components:

$ juju deploy fluentbit
$ juju relate fluentbit:fluentbit slurmd
$ juju relate fluentbit:fluentbit slurmdbd
$ juju relate fluentbit:fluentbit slurmctld

This configures everything needed to read, parse, and filter the log files.



The Juju relation between Fluentbit and the Slurm charms setup the source logs to be forwarded, but does not define the output. This has to be done either manually (via a Fluentbit charm configuration) or via a centralized logging system that can be related to it.

Fluentbit support many and multiple outputs. Please consult the online documentation for details: Fluentbit Outputs.


To configure Fluentbit to forward logs to a Graylog cluster running, first setup a Graylog GELF Input, then create a graylog.fluentbit text file with the following:

[{"output": [["name", "gelf"],
             ["match", "*"],
             ["host", ""],
             ["port", "12201"],
             ["mode", "udp"],
             ["Gelf_Short_Message_Key", "log"]]}]

Modify the host, port, and mode accordingly.

Then, configure Fluentbit to use this:

$ juju config fluentbit custom-config="$(cat graylog.fluentbit)"