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License Manager API

The License Manager API provides a RESTful API where licenses and bookings are tracked. The License Manager Agent uses this API to store the license usage information and to process the Booking requests. The License Manager CLI interacts with this API to add new configurations and to check the usage information for each tracked license.

The License Manager API is also responsible for verifying if the Booking requests can be satisfied by accounting for Bookings already made and the license usage in the License Server.

The License Manager API contains 6 distinct resources with interconnecting relationships.
This means that some of the resources need to be created before others can be created as well.

        Bookings {
            int id pk
            int job_id pk
            int feature_id pk
            int quantity
        Features {
            int id pk,fk
            str name
            int config_id pk
            int product_id pk
            int reserved
            int total
            int used
            int booked_total
        Products {
            int id pk
            str name
        Jobs {
            int id pk, fk
            str slurm_job_id
            str cluster_client_id
            str username
            str lead_host
        Configurations {
            int id pk
            str name
            str cluster_client_id
            int grace_time
            enum[str] type
        LicenseServers {
            int id pk
            int config_id fk
            str host
            int port
        Jobs ||--o{ Bookings : ""
        Features ||--o{ Bookings : ""
        Products ||--o{ Features : ""
        Configurations ||--|{ Features : ""
        Configurations ||--|{ LicenseServers : ""


The Configuration resource holds the information for a set of Features that are available on the same License Server.

A Configuration represents the license configured in the Slurm cluster. The configuration is linked to the cluster by the cluster_client_id field.

The License Manager Agent instance running in the cluster will only reconcile the licenses configured for that cluster.

Since each License Server can have multiple licenses configured, the same Configuration can be used for each license present in the License Server. The same command will be used to check the license usage for all the licenses under the same configuration.

The Configuration also defines the license type, the License Server host addresses and the Grace Time period.

The license type identifies the provider of the License Server.

The following License Server types are supported:

  • FlexLM
  • RLM
  • LS-Dyna
  • LM-X
  • OLicense
  • DSLS

License Servers

The License Server resource represents the actual License Server where the license is installed.

A License Server has a host and a port, and each Configuration must have at least one License Server related to it. The Configuration can cave multiple License Servers for redundancy, as long as they provide the same data. Each License Server will be called, in order, if the previous one is not available.


The Product resource represents the product name of the license.

Each license is identified in the cluster as product.feature@license_server_type. The Product is used to group the licenses that are under the same License Server

To create a Feature, a Product needs to be created first.


The Feature resource represents the licenses in the cluster.

Each Feature must be related to a Configuration and a Product.

The reserved value represents how many licenses should be reserved for usage in desktop applications. The amount of licenses reserved is not used by the cluster.

License Manager Agent polls the License Server to populate the used and total values. The information stored includes the total number of licenses available, how many licenses are in use in the License Server and how many are booked.

The /lm/features/by_client_id endpoint extracts the cluster_client_id from the request and updates the feature for that cluster. This endpoint is needed since there can be multiple licenses with the same name in different clusters.

The /lm/features/bulk endpoint is used by the License Manager Agent to update the counters for multiple features with the same request.


The Job resource represents the jobs submitted to the cluster.

When a job is submitted to Slurm, it is intercepted by the SlurmctldProlog script, which creates a Job in the License Manager API.

Each Job can have multiple Bookings related to it, depending on the number of licenses requested by the job.

Once the job finishes, the SlurmctldEpilog deletes the job from the License Manager API , along with its Bookings.

Since the slurm_job_id is not unique across clusters, each job is identified by the cluster_client_id alongside the slurm_job_id.

The endpoint /lm/jobs/by_client_id extracts the cluster_client_id from the request and returns the jobs that belong to the cluster.

The in the POST endpoint, the parameter cluster_client_id is optional. If it's not provided, the cluster_client_id is extracted from the request.


The Booking resource is responsible for Booking licenses for a specific job.

The Booking ensures the job will have enough licenses to be used when it requests them to the License Server.

Each Booking is related to a Job. The job_id parameter identifies the Job in the License Manager API, and is different from the slurm_job_id that idenfies it in the cluster.


The License Manager API needs an authentication provider (OIDC) to work safely.

To manage permissions, the License Manager API uses the Armasec library. Armasec documentation has getting started guides to configure Keycloak or Auth0 as the OIDC provider.

The endpoints have granular permissions, and the user needs to have the correct set of permissions to access them. Each endpoint has four permissions, for example:

  • license-manager:config:create
  • license-manager:config:read
  • license-manager:config:update
  • license-manager:config:delete

There's also the license-manager:admin permission, which allows access to all operations in all endpoints.


The reference page contains the endpoints and schemas available.