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License Manager Architecture

The License Manager is based on a client/backend architecture. The backend consists of a RESTful API built with Python over a PostgreSQL database. The client consists of a timed reconcile job that runs on the control node in the cluster and a prolog integration to Slurm.

License Manager Agent

The License Manager Agent is responsible for keeping the local cluster license totals in sync with the the 3rd party license server totals. It's also responsible for making booking requests to the License Manager API when Slurm is configured to use the PrologSlurmctld script provided by License Manager Agent.


For each license tracked by License Manager, the License Manager Agent will periodically poll the license servers to get the usage information and store it in the License Manager API. The stat-interval is the period of time between each reconciliation and can be configured in the License Manager Agent configuration file.

The information in the License Manager API is used by the reconciliation process to update the license counters in Slurm. This is done by creating a reservation to represent the licenses used in the license server.

This reservation is not meant to be consumed by users nor jobs; it's only a representation of the licenses in use. The reservation is created by the user configured in the License Manager Agent configuration file. The user must have a user account in the Slurm cluster and have operator privilege level to manage reservations.


The License Manager Agent is also responsible for making booking requests to the License Manager API when Slurm is configured to use the PrologSlurmctld script provided by License Manager Agent.

Each job submitted to Slurm will trigger the PrologSlurmctld script that makes a request to the License Manager API to book the needed licenses prior to the allocation of the job. The booking ensures that the licenses are available for the job to use by taking into consideration the licenses booked for other jobs and the license usage in the license server.

If the booking cannot be made, the job will be kept in the queue until there are enough licenses available to satisfy the booking request.

Grace time

A job can take some time to check out the license from the license server after it is submitted to Slurm. Thus, each license has a grace time period that is used to indicate how long a booking will be retained. After the grace time expires, the booking is deleted. This means that the license was checked out from the license server and doesn't need a booking anymore.

License Manager API

The License Manager API provides a RESTful API where licenses and bookins are tracked. The License Manager Agent uses this API to store the license usage information and to process the booking requests. The License Manager CLI interacts with this API to add new configurations and to check the usage information for each tracked license.

The API is also responsible for verifying if the booking requests can be satisfied by accounting for bookings already made and the license usage in the license server.

The API contains 6 entities that have relationship among them. This means that some of the resources need to be created before others can be created as well.

        Bookings {
            int id pk
            int job_id pk
            int feature_id pk
            int quantity
        Features {
            int id pk,fk
            int config_id pk
            int product_id pk
            int reserved
            int total
            int used
            str name 
        Products {
            int id pk
            str name
        Jobs {
            int id pk, fk
            str slurm_job_id
            str cluster_client_id
            str username
            str lead_host
        Configurations {
            int id pk
            str name
            str cluster_client_id
            int grace_time
            enum[str] type
        LicenseServers {
            int id pk
            int config_id fk
            str host
            int port
        Jobs ||--o{ Bookings : ""
        Features ||--o{ Bookings : ""
        Products ||--o{ Features : ""
        Configurations ||--|{ Features : ""
        Configurations ||--|{ LicenseServers : ""


The Configuration resource holds the information for a set of features that are available on the same license server.

A configuration is attached to a cluster and can have n features attached to it. It also defines the license type, the license server host addresses and the grace time period. The license type identifies the provider of the license server.

The following license server types are supported:

  • FlexLM
  • RLM
  • LS-Dyna
  • LM-X
  • OLicense

Endpoints available:

  • POST /lm/configurations
  • GET /lm/configurations
  • GET /lm/configurations/by_client_id
  • GET /lm/configurations/{id}
  • PUT /lm/configurations/{id}
  • DEL /lm/configurations/{id}

The endpoint by_client_id extracts the cluster_client_id from the request and returns the configurations that belong to the cluster.

Payload example for POST:

    "name": "configuration-name",
    "cluster_client_id": "cluster-client-id", 
    "grace_time": 60,
    "type": "flexlm"

After creating a configuration, the license servers and features can be added.

License Servers

The License Server resource represents the actual license server where the license is installed.

A license server has a host and a port, and needs to be attached to a configuration. Each configuration can have n license servers, as long as they provide the same data (mirrored for redundancy).

Endpoints available:

  • POST /lm/license_servers
  • GET /lm/license_servers
  • GET /lm/license_servers/{id}
  • PUT /lm/license_servers/{id}
  • DEL /lm/license_servers/{id}

Payload example for POST:

    "config_id": 1,
    "host": "licserv0001",
    "port": 1234


The Product resource represents the product name of the license.

Each license is identified as product.feature@license_server_type. To create a Feature, a Product needs to be created first.

Endpoints available:

  • POST /lm/products
  • GET /lm/products
  • GET /lm/products/{id}
  • PUT /lm/products/{id}
  • DEL /lm/products/{id}

Payload example for POST:

    "name": "abaqus"


The Feature resource represents the licenses in the cluster.

Each Feature is attached to a Configuration and a Product.

The feature has a reserved value, that represents how many licenses should be reserved for usage in desktop applications. The amount of licenses reserved is not used by the cluster.

The License Manager Agent polls the license server to populate the used and total values. The information stored includes the total number of licenses available and how many licenses are in use.

Endpoints available:

  • POST /lm/features
  • GET /lm/features
  • GET /lm/features/{id}
  • PUT /lm/features/{id}
  • PUT /lm/features/by_client_id
  • DEL /lm/features/{id}

The endpoint by_client_id extracts the cluster_client_id from the request and updates the feature for that cluster.

This endpoint is needed since there can be multiple licenses with the same name in different clusters.

Payload example for POST:

    "name": "abaqus",
    "product_id": 1,
    "config_id": 1,
    "reserved": 50,


The Job resource represents the jobs submitted to the cluster.

When a job is intercepted by the PrologSlurmctld script, the job is created automatically.

Each Job can have n Bookings attached to it. If the job requires licenses, a Booking is created for each license. Once the job finishes, the EpilogSlurmctld deletes the job from the API, along with its bookings.

Since the slurm_job_id is not unique across clusters, each job is identified by the cluster_client_id alongside the slurm_job_id.

Endpoints available:

  • POST /lm/jobs
  • GET /lm/jobs
  • GET /lm/jobs/by_client_id
  • GET /lm/jobs/{id}
  • GET /lm/jobs/slurm_job_id/{slurm_job_id}
  • DEL /lm/jobs/{id}
  • DEL /lm/jobs/slurm_job_id/{slurm_job_id}

The endpoint by_client_id extracts the cluster_client_id from the request and returns the jobs that belong to the cluster.

The in the POST endpoint, the parameter cluster_client_id is optional. If it's not provided, the cluster_client_id is extracted from the request.

Payload example for POST:

    "slurm_job_id": "123",
    "cluster_client_id": "cluster-client-id",
    "username": "user123",
    "lead_host": "host1"


The Booking resource is responsible for booking licenses for a specific job.

The booking ensures the job will have enough licenses to be used when the grace time is reached. License Manager Agent stores the information about the booking requests made by Slurm when the PrologSlurmctld script is used.

Each Booking is attached to a Job. The job_id parameter identifies the job in the API, and is different from the slurm_job_id that idenfies it in the cluster.

Endpoints available:

  • POST /lm/bookings
  • GET /lm/bookings
  • GET /lm/bookings/{id}
  • DEL /lm/bookings/{id}

Payload example for POST:

    "job_id": 1,
    "feature_id": 1,
    "quantity": 50

License Manager CLI

The License Manager CLI is a client to interact with the License Manager API.

It can be used to add new configurations to the API and to check the usage information for each tracked license.

The Jobs and Bookings are read only. The remaining resources can be edited by users with permission to do so.

Global commands

Command Description
lm-cli login Generate a URL for logging in via browser
lm-cli show-token Print your access token (created after logging in)
lm-cli logout Logout and remove your access token

Configuration commands

Command Description
lm-cli configurations list List all configurations
lm-cli configurations list
--search <search string>
Search configurations with the specified string
lm-cli configurations list
--sort-field <sort field>
Sort configurations by the specified field
lm-cli configurations list
--sort-field <sort field>
--sort-order <ascending or descending>
Sort configurations by the specified order
lm-cli configurations get-one
--id <configuration id>
List the configuration with the specified id
lm-cli configurations create
--name <configuration name>
--cluster-client-id <OIDC client_id of the cluster where the configuration applies>
--grace-time <grace time in seconds>
--license-server-type <license server type>
Create a new configuration
lm-cli configurations delete
--id <id to delete>
Delete the configuration with the specified id

License server commands

Command Description
lm-cli license-servers list List all license servers
lm-cli license-servers list
--search <search string>
Search license servers with the specified string
lm-cli license-servers list
--sort-field <sort field>
Sort license servers by the specified field
lm-cli license-servers list
--sort-field <sort field>
--sort-order <ascending or descending>
Sort license servers by the specified order
lm-cli license-servers get-one
--id <license server id>
List the license server with the specified id
lm-cli license-servers create
--config-id <id of the configuration to add the license server>
--host <hostname of the license server>
--port <port of the license server>
Create a new license server
lm-cli license-servers delete
--id <id to delete>
Delete the license server with the specified id

Product commands

Command Description
lm-cli products list List all products
lm-cli products list
--search <search string>
Search products with the specified string
lm-cli products list
--sort-field <sort field>
Sort products by the specified field
lm-cli products list
--sort-field <sort field>
--sort-order <ascending or descending>
Sort products by the specified order
lm-cli products get-one
--id <product id>
List the product with the specified id
lm-cli products create
--name <product name>
Create a new product
lm-cli products delete
--id <id to delete>
Delete the product with the specified id

Feature commands

Command Description
lm-cli features list List all features
lm-cli features list
--search <search string>
Search features with the specified string
lm-cli features list
--sort-field <sort field>
Sort features by the specified field
lm-cli features list
--sort-field <sort field>
--sort-order <ascending or descending>
Sort features by the specified order
lm-cli features get-one
--id <feature id>
List the feature with the specified id
lm-cli features create
--name <feature name>
--product-id <id of the product of the license>
--config-id <id of the configuration of the license>
--reserved <how many licenses should be reserved for desktop environments>
Create a new feature
lm-cli features delete
--id <id to delete>
Delete the feature with the specified id

Job commands

Command Description
lm-cli jobs list List all jobs
lm-cli jobs list
--search <search string>
Search jobs with the specified string
lm-cli jobs list
--sort-field <sort field>
Sort jobs by the specified field
lm-cli jobs list
--sort-field <sort field>
--sort-order <ascending or descending>
Sort jobs by the specified order

Booking commands

Command Description
lm-cli bookings list List all bookings
lm-cli bookings list
--search <search string>
Search bookings with the specified string
lm-cli bookings list
--sort-field <sort field>
Sort bookings by the specified field
lm-cli bookings list
--sort-field <sort field>
--sort-order <ascending or descending>
Sort bookings by the specified order