Jobbergate CLI Reference
Jobbergate command-line interface and app library
Overload module attribute lookup to warn if 'appform' is being imported because it is deprecated.
Provide a stub module to maintain compatibility with previous versions.
Issue a deprecation warning when this module is imported from if JOBBERGATE_COMPATIBILITY_MODE is enabled.
If JOBBERGATE_COMPATIBILITY_MODE is not enabled, raise an import error when this module is imported.
Utilities for handling auth in jobbergate-cli.
Show a message to the user with a link to the auth provider to login.
Provide compatibility to the previous version of Jobbergate CLI for users who have automation or are familiar with the old commands
Configuration file, sets all the necessary environment variables. Can load configuration from a dotenv file if supplied.
Provide constants that may be used throughout the CLI modules.
Bases: str
, Enum
File type enum.
Bases: str
, Enum
Enum descring the type of sort orders that are available for list commands.
Provides a data object for context passed from the main entry point.
Bases: ContextProtocol
A data object describing context passed from the main entry point.
The authentication handler for the context.
This is a cached property to ensure that the handler is only created when needed, so commands that require no authentication face no configuration errors.
Provide exceptions and custom handlers for the CLI.
Bases: Buzz
A special exception used to abort the Jobbergate CLI.
Collects information provided for use in the handle_abort
context manager.
Bases: Buzz
A generic exception base class to use in Jobbergate CLI
Apply a decorator to gracefully handle any Abort errors that happen within the context.
Will log the error, dispatch it to Sentry, show a helpful message to the user about the error, and exit.
Provide a stub module to maintain compatibility with previous versions.
Issue a deprecation warning when this module is imported from if JOBBERGATE_COMPATIBILITY_MODE is enabled.
If JOBBERGATE_COMPATIBILITY_MODE is not enabled, raise an import error when this module is imported.
Provide initializers for logging.
Initialize logging.
If JOBBERGATE_LOG_PATH is set in the config, add a rotating file log handler. Logs will be retained for 1 week.
If verbose is supplied, add a stdout handler at the DEBUG level.
Provide main entry point for the Jobbergate CLI App.
Log in to the jobbergate-cli by storing the supplied token argument in the cache.
Logs out of the jobbergate-cli. Clears the saved user credentials.
main(ctx: typer.Context, verbose: bool = typer.Option(False, help='Enable verbose logging to the terminal'), full: bool = typer.Option(False, help='Print all fields from CRUD commands'), raw: bool = typer.Option(False, help='Print output from CRUD commands as raw json'), version: bool = typer.Option(False, help='Print the version of jobbergate-cli and exit'), ignore_extra_args: str = typer.Option(None, '--username', '-u', '--password', '-p', hidden=True, help='Ignore extra arguments passed to the command for backward compatibility with the legacy app.'))
Welcome to the Jobbergate CLI!
More information can be shown for each command listed below by running it with the --help option.
Entrypoint for the app including custom error handling.
With this we ensure error handling is applied to all commands with no need to duplicate the decorators on each of them.
show_token(ctx: typer.Context, plain: bool = typer.Option(False, help='Show the token in plain text.'), refresh: bool = typer.Option(False, help='Show the refresh token instead of the access token.'), show_prefix: bool = typer.Option(False, '--prefix', help="Include the 'Bearer' prefix in the output."), show_header: bool = typer.Option(False, '--header', help='Show the token as it would appear in a request header.'), decode: bool = typer.Option(False, '--decode', help='Show the content of the decoded access token.'))
Show the token for the logged in user.
Token output is automatically copied to your clipboard.
Provide helpers to render output for users.
Provide a mapper that can set rich
styles for rendered output of data tables and dicts.
The subapps have list endpoints that return sets of values. These are rendered as tables in the output. The StyleMapper class provides a way to simply define styles that should be applied to the columns of the table.
The following code will print a table where the columns are colored according to the style_mapper
.. code-block: python
style_mapper = StyleMapper( a="bold green", b="red", c="blue", ) envelope = dict( results=[ dict(a=1, b=2, c=3), dict(a=4, b=5, c=6), dict(a=7, b=8, c=9), ], pagination=dict(total=3) ) render_list_results(jb_ctx, envelope, style_mapper)
Render a dictionary in a rich
that shows the key and value of each item.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
data |
dict[str, Any]
The dictionary to render. |
required |
title |
The title header to include above the |
hidden_fields |
list[str] | None
Keys that should be hidden in the |
Print nicely formatted representation of a JSON serializable python primitive.
render_list_results(ctx: ContextProtocol, envelope: ListResponseEnvelope, style_mapper: StyleMapper | None = None, hidden_fields: list[str] | None = None, title: str = 'Results List')
Render a list of result data items in a rich
Name | Type | Description | Default |
ctx |
The JobbergateContext. This is needed to detect if |
required |
envelope |
A ListResponseEnvelope containing the data items. |
required |
style_mapper |
StyleMapper | None
The style mapper that should be used to apply styles to the columns of the table. |
hidden_fields |
list[str] | None
Columns that should (if not using |
title |
The title header to include above the |
'Results List'
render_single_result(ctx: ContextProtocol, result: dict[str, Any] | pydantic.BaseModel, hidden_fields: list[str] | None = None, title: str = 'Result', value_mappers: dict[str, Callable[[Any], Any]] | None = None)
Render a single data item in a rich
Name | Type | Description | Default |
ctx |
The JobbergateContext. This is needed to detect if |
required |
result |
dict[str, Any] | BaseModel
The data item to display. May be a dict or a pydantic model. |
required |
hidden_fields |
list[str] | None
Rows that should (if not using |
title |
The title header to include above the |
value_mappers |
dict[str, Callable[[Any], Any]] | None
Mapping functions to change fields before rendering. |
terminal_message(message: str, subject: str | None = None, color: str = 'green', footer: str | None = None, indent: bool = True)
Print a nicely formatted message as output to the user using a rich
Name | Type | Description | Default |
message |
The message to print out. |
required |
subject |
str | None
An optional subject line to add in the header of the |
color |
An optional color to style the |
footer |
str | None
An optional message to display in the footer of the |
indent |
Adds padding to the left of the message. Defaults to True. |
Provide utilities for making requests against the Jobbergate API.
Format a response into a human-readable error message, including the cause, and a possible solution.
Get a possible solution to an error code.
make_request(client: httpx.Client, url_path: str, method: str, *, expected_status: int | None = None, expect_response: bool = True, abort_message: str = 'There was an error communicating with the API', abort_subject: str = 'REQUEST FAILED', support: bool = True, response_model_cls: Type[ResponseModel] | None = None, request_model: pydantic.BaseModel | None = None, save_to_file: Path | None = None, **request_kwargs: Any) -> ResponseModel | dict | int
Make a request against the Jobbergate API.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
client |
The Httpx client to use for the request. |
required |
url_path |
The path to add to the base url of the client where the request should be sent. |
required |
method |
The REST method to use for the request (GET, PUT, UPDATE, POST, DELETE, etc). |
required |
expected_status |
int | None
The status code to expect on the response. If it is not received, raise an Abort. |
expect_response |
Indicates if response data (JSON) is expected from the API endpoint. |
abort_message |
The message to show the user if there is a problem and the app must be aborted. |
'There was an error communicating with the API'
abort_subject |
The subject to use in Abort output to the user. |
support |
If true, add a message to the output instructing the user to seek help. |
response_model_cls |
Type[ResponseModel] | None
If supplied, serialize the response data into this Pydantic model class. |
request_model |
BaseModel | None
Use a pydantic model instance as the data body for the request. |
save_to_file |
Path | None
If supplied, save the response data to this file. |
request_kwargs |
Any additional keyword arguments to pass to the request. |
Type | Description |
ResponseModel | dict | int
The response from the API, either as a Pydantic model, a dictionary, or an integer status code. |
Provide Pydantic models for various data items.
Bases: BaseModel
Describes the format of data for applications retrieved from the Jobbergate API endpoints.
Bases: BaseModel
Describes the format of data stored in the clusters cache file.
Bases: Protocol
A protocol describing context passed from the main entry point.
It aims to help static type checkers at the same time that prevents circular import issues on the actual implementation.
Bases: BaseModel
A model representing the data that is returned from the OIDC provider's device code endpoint.
Bases: BaseModel
A model representing the identifying data for a user from an auth token.
Bases: BaseModel
Request model for creating JobScript instances.
Bases: BaseModel
Model containing job-script files.
Bases: BaseModel
Describes the data that will be sent to the create
endpoint of the Jobbergate API for job scripts.
Bases: BaseModel
Describes the data that will be sent to the create
endpoint of the Jobbergate API for job submissions.
Bases: BaseModel
Describes the format of data for job_submissions retrieved from the Jobbergate API endpoints.
Bases: BaseModel
A data object describing the config data needed to instantiate a JobbergateApplication class.
Bases: BaseModel
A data object describing the config values needed in the "jobbergate_config" section of the JobbergateApplicationConfig model.
Bases: BaseModel
, Generic[EnvelopeT]
A model describing the structure of response envelopes from "list" endpoints.
Bases: BaseModel
Application retrieved from a local folder.
Bases: BaseModel
Template file retrieved from a local folder.
Bases: BaseModel
Workflow file retrived from a local folder.
Bases: BaseModel
A model representing a pairing of a TokenSet and user email. This is a convenience to combine all of the identifying data and credentials for a given user.
Bases: BaseModel
Request model for creating a JobScript entry from a template.
Bases: BaseModel
A model representing a pairing of access and refresh tokens
Subapps that are added to the base Typer
Provide a sub-app for interacting with Applications data.
Provide a typer
app that can interact with Application data in a cruddy manner.
clone(ctx: typer.Context, id_or_identifier: Optional[str] = typer.Argument(None, help='The specific id or identifier of the application to be selected.'), id: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, '--id', '-i', help=f'Alternative way to specify id. {ID_NOTE}'), identifier: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help=f'Alternative way to specify identifier. {IDENTIFIER_NOTE}'), application_identifier: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='\n Optional new application identifier to override the original.\n\n Notice this can not match an existing identifier, including the one this entry is going to be cloned from.\n '), application_desc: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='Optional new application description to override the original'), application_name: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='Optional new application name to override the original'))
Clone an application, so the user can own and modify a copy of it.
create(ctx: typer.Context, name: str = typer.Option(..., '--name', '-n', help='The name of the application to create'), identifier: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help=f'The human-friendly identifier of the application. {IDENTIFIER_NOTE}'), application_path: pathlib.Path = typer.Option(..., '--application-path', '-a', help='The path to the directory where the application files are located'), application_desc: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='A helpful description of the application'))
Create a new application.
delete(ctx: typer.Context, id_or_identifier: Optional[str] = typer.Argument(None, help='The specific id or identifier of the application to be selected.'), id: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, '--id', '-i', help=f'Alternative way to specify id. {ID_NOTE}'), identifier: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help=f'Alternative way to specify identifier. {IDENTIFIER_NOTE}'))
Delete an existing application.
download_files(ctx: typer.Context, id_or_identifier: Optional[str] = typer.Argument(None, help='The specific id or identifier of the application to be selected.'), id: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, '--id', '-i', help=f'Alternative way to specify id. {ID_NOTE}'), identifier: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help=f'Alternative way to specify identifier. {IDENTIFIER_NOTE}'))
Download the files from an application to the current working directory.
get_one(ctx: typer.Context, id_or_identifier: Optional[str] = typer.Argument(None, help='The specific id number or identifier of the application to be selected.'), id: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, '--id', '-i', help=f'Alternative way to specify id. {ID_NOTE}'), identifier: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help=f'Alternative way to specify identifier. {IDENTIFIER_NOTE}'))
Get a single application by id or identifier
list_all(ctx: typer.Context, show_all: bool = typer.Option(False, '--all', help='Show all applications, even the ones without identifier'), user_only: bool = typer.Option(False, '--user', help='Show only applications owned by the current user'), search: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='Apply a search term to results'), sort_order: SortOrder = typer.Option(SortOrder.DESCENDING, help='Specify sort order'), sort_field: Optional[str] = typer.Option('id', help='The field by which results should be sorted'))
Show available applications
update(ctx: typer.Context, id_or_identifier: Optional[str] = typer.Argument(None, help='The specific id or identifier of the application to be selected.'), id: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, '--id', '-i', help=f'Alternative way to specify id. {ID_NOTE}'), identifier: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help=f'Alternative way to specify identifier. {IDENTIFIER_NOTE}'), application_path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = typer.Option(None, '--application-path', '-a', help='The path to the directory where the application files are located'), update_identifier: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='Optional new application identifier to be set'), application_desc: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='Optional new application description to be set'), application_name: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='Optional new application name to be set'))
Update an existing application.
Finds templates a given application path.
Helper functions that may be used inside of Jobbergate applications.
Return a list of input files in a directory that match a search term.
Ignore casing when comparing against the search term.
Default to searching for all files in the current directory.
Abstraction layer for questions. Each class represents different question types.
The questions describe literal questions that are asked of the user in an interactive
mode via the inquirer
Questions will be skipped and use the default value if the ignore
property resolves
to True.
Questions will also resolve to their default values if running in "fast mode".
Bases: Confirm
Asks a confirmation question that is followed up by a certain question list when true and a different list if false.
Initialize the Checkbox question.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
variablename |
The key in the config dictionary that this question will set. |
required |
message |
The message to show the user that describes what the question is gathering. |
required |
whentrue |
List of questions to ask if the user answers 'true' on this question. |
whenfalse |
List of questions to show if the user answers 'false' on this question. |
Dynamically check if a child question should be ignored based on the questions that have already been answered.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
child |
The child question that might be ignored. |
required |
answers |
dict[str, Any]
Answer values to previously asked questions. |
required |
Build a partial method for checking if a child should be ignored.
This method just makes the code more readable so that a non-descriptive lambda does not need to be used inline.
Bases: QuestionBase
Gives the user a list to choose multiple entries from.
Initialize the Checkbox question.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
variablename |
The key in the config dictionary that this question will set. |
required |
message |
The message to show the user that describes what the question is gathering. |
required |
choices |
A list of the possible values from which the Question will allow the user to select many. |
required |
Bases: QuestionBase
Asks a question with a boolean answer (true/false).
Initialize the Confirm question.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
variablename |
The key in the config dictionary that this question will set. |
required |
message |
The message to show the user that describes what the question is gathering. |
required |
Bases: Text
Sets the variable to the default
value. Doesn't show anything.
Bases: QuestionBase
Asks for a directory name. If exists
is True
, it checks if the path exists and is a directory.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
exists |
bool | None
Checks if the given directory exists. |
Initialize the Directory question.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
variablename |
The key in the config dictionary that this question will set. |
required |
message |
The message to show the user that describes what the question is gathering. |
required |
exists |
bool | None
If True, ensure that the directory exists on the system. |
Bases: QuestionBase
Asks for a file name.
Initialize the File question.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
variablename |
The key in the config dictionary that this question will set. |
required |
message |
The message to show the user that describes what the question is gathering. |
required |
exists |
bool | None
If True, ensure that the file path exists on the system. |
Bases: QuestionBase
Asks for an integer value. Could have min and/or max constrains.
__init__(variablename: str, message: str, minval: int | None = None, maxval: int | None = None, **kwargs)
Initialize the Integer question.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
variablename |
The key in the config dictionary that this question will set. |
required |
message |
The message to show the user that describes what the question is gathering. |
required |
minval |
int | None
The minimum value the integer may be set to. If not specified, use negative infinity. |
maxval |
int | None
The maximum value the integer may be set to. If not specified, use infinity. |
Bases: QuestionBase
Gives the user a list to choose one from.
Initialize the List question.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
variablename |
The key in the config dictionary that this question will set. |
required |
message |
The message to show the user that describes what the question is gathering. |
required |
choices |
A list of the possible values from which the Question will allow the user to select one. |
required |
Baseclass for questions.
All questions have variablename, message and an optional default.
__init__(variablename: str, message: str, ignore: bool = False, default: Any | None = None, inquirer_type: Type[TInquirerType] = inquirer.Text)
Initialize the Question.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
variablename |
The key in the config dictionary that this question will set. |
required |
message |
The message to show the user that describes what the question is gathering. |
required |
ignore |
If true, do not ask the question and just use the default value instead. |
default |
Any | None
The default value for the variablename in the answers dict. |
inquirer_type |
The |
Bases: QuestionBase
Asks for a text value.
Provide tool functions for working with Application data.
Prepare and execute a Jobbergate application gathering the answers to the questions.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
app_data |
Union[ApplicationResponse, LocalApplication]
The application data, can be either an ApplicationResponse or a LocalApplication. |
required |
app_source_code |
The source code of the application, often coming from file. |
required |
supplied_params |
Dict[str, Any]
The parameters supplied to the application, defaults to an empty dictionary. |
fast_mode |
A flag indicating whether the application is in fast mode, defaults to False. |
Retrieve an application from the API by id or identifier.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
jg_ctx |
The JobbergateContext. Needed to access the Httpx client with which to make API calls. |
required |
id |
The id of the application to fetch. |
required | |
identifier |
If supplied, look for an application instance with the provided identifier. |
required |
Type | Description |
An instance of ApplicationResponse containing the application data. |
Retrieve an application from a local directory.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
application_path |
The directory containing the application files. |
required |
Type | Description |
A LocalApplication instance containing the application data. |
Context manager to build the files parameter.
Open the supplied file(s) and build a files param appropriate for using multi-part file uploads with the client.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
application_path |
The directory where the application files are located. |
required |
Load the JobbergateApplicationConfig from a text string containing the config as YAML.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
config_source |
The YAML containing the config |
required |
Type | Description |
A JobbergateApplicationConfig instance with the config values |
load_application_data(app_data: Union[ApplicationResponse, LocalApplication], application_source_file: str) -> Tuple[JobbergateApplicationConfig, JobbergateApplicationBase]
Validates and loads the data for an application returned from the API's applications GET endpoint.
As part of the Jobbergate data restructure, sections of the legacy jobbergate.yaml are now stored in different tables in the backend. This function reconstructs them from app_data.workflow_file.runtime_config and app_data.template_vars for backward compatibility.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
app_data |
Union[ApplicationResponse, LocalApplication]
A dictionary containing the application data. |
required |
application_source_file |
The source file of the application. |
required |
Type | Description |
Tuple[JobbergateApplicationConfig, JobbergateApplicationBase]
A tuple containing the application config and the application module. |
load_application_from_source(app_source: str, app_config: JobbergateApplicationConfig) -> JobbergateApplicationBase
Load the JobbergateApplication class from a text string containing the source file.
Creates the module in a temporary file and imports it with importlib.
Adapted from:
Name | Type | Description | Default |
app_source |
The JobbergateApplication source code to load |
required |
app_config |
The JobbergateApplicationConfig needed to instantiate the JobbergateApplication |
required |
Load the default config for an application.
save_application_files(jg_ctx: ContextProtocol, application_data: ApplicationResponse, destination_path: pathlib.Path) -> List[pathlib.Path]
Save the application files from the API response into a local destination.
upload_application(jg_ctx: ContextProtocol, application_path: pathlib.Path, id_or_identifier: int | str)
Upload an application given an application path and the application id.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
jg_ctx |
The JobbergateContext. Needed to access the Httpx client with which to make API calls. |
required |
application_path |
The directory where the application files to upload may be found. |
required |
application_id |
The id of the application for which to upload data. |
required | |
application_identifier |
The identifier of the application for which to upload data. |
required |
Provide a sub-app for interacting with Job Script data.
Provide a typer
app that can interact with Job Script data in a cruddy manner.
clone(ctx: typer.Context, id: Optional[int] = typer.Argument(None, help='The specific id of the job script to be updated.'), id_option: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, '--id', '-i', help='Alternative way to specify id.'), name: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='Optional new name of the job script.'), description: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='Optional new text describing the job script.'))
Clone an existing job script, so the user can own and modify a copy of it.
create(ctx: typer.Context, id_or_identifier: Optional[str] = typer.Argument(None, help='The specific id or identifier of the application from which to create the job script.'), name: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, '--name', '-n', help=dedent('\n The name of the job script to create.\n If this is not supplied, the name will be derived from the base application.\n ')), application_id: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, '--application-id', '-i', help='Alternative way to specify the application id.'), application_identifier: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='Alternative way to specify the application identifier.'), description: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='Optional text describing the job script.'), sbatch_params: Optional[List[str]] = typer.Option(None, help='Optional parameter to submit raw sbatch parameters.'), param_file: Optional[pathlib.Path] = typer.Option(None, help=dedent('\n Supply a json file that contains the parameters for populating templates.\n If this is not supplied, the question asking in the application is triggered.\n ')), fast: bool = typer.Option(False, '--fast', '-f', help='Use default answers (when available) instead of asking the user.'), download: Optional[bool] = typer.Option(None, help='Download the job script files to the current working directory'), submit: Optional[bool] = typer.Option(None, help='Do not ask the user if they want to submit a job.'), cluster_name: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help="The name of the cluster where the job should be submitted to (i.g. 'nash-staging')"), execution_directory: Optional[pathlib.Path] = typer.Option(None, help=dedent('\n The path on the cluster where the job script should be executed.\n If provided as a relative path, it will be converted as an absolute path from your current\n working directory. If you use "~" to denote your home directory, the path will be expanded to an\n absolute path for your home directory on *this* machine.\n ').strip()))
Create a new job script from an application.
create_locally(ctx: typer.Context, application_path: pathlib.Path = typer.Argument(pathlib.Path('.'), help='The path to the application directory to use as a template for the job script.', dir_okay=True), job_script_name: str = typer.Option('job_script', help='The name of the job script to render locally.'), output_path: pathlib.Path = typer.Option(pathlib.Path('.'), help='The path to the directory where the rendered job script should be saved.', dir_okay=True), sbatch_params: Optional[List[str]] = typer.Option(None, help='Optional parameter to submit raw sbatch parameters.'), param_file: Optional[pathlib.Path] = typer.Option(None, help=dedent('\n Supply a json file that contains the parameters for populating templates.\n If this is not supplied, the question asking in the application is triggered.\n ')), fast: bool = typer.Option(False, '--fast', '-f', help='Use default answers (when available) instead of asking the user.'))
Create a job-script from local application files (ideal for development and troubleshooting).
The templates will be overwritten with the rendered files.
create_stand_alone(ctx: typer.Context, job_script_path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = typer.Argument(None, help='The path to the job script file to upload', file_okay=True, readable=True), name: str = typer.Option(..., help=dedent('The name of the job script to create.')), description: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='Optional text describing the job script.'), job_script_path_option: Optional[pathlib.Path] = typer.Option(None, '--job-script-path', help='The path to the job script file to upload', file_okay=True, readable=True), supporting_file_path: Optional[List[pathlib.Path]] = typer.Option(None, '--supporting-file', '-s', help='A path for one of the supporting files to upload', file_okay=True, readable=True))
Create and upload files for a standalone job script (i.e., unrelated to any application).
delete(ctx: typer.Context, id: Optional[int] = typer.Argument(None, help='The id of the job script to delete'), id_option: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, '--id', '-i', help='Alternative way to specify the job script id'))
Delete an existing job script.
download_files(ctx: typer.Context, id: Optional[int] = typer.Argument(None, help='The specific id of the job script to be downloaded.'), id_option: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, '--id', '-i', help='Alternative way to specify id.'))
Download the files from a job script to the current working directory.
get_one(ctx: typer.Context, id: Optional[int] = typer.Argument(None, help='The specific id of the job script to be selected.'), id_option: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, '--id', '-i', help='Alternative way to specify id.'))
Get a single job script by id.
list_all(ctx: typer.Context, show_all: bool = typer.Option(False, '--all', help='Show all job scripts, even the ones owned by others'), search: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='Apply a search term to results'), sort_order: SortOrder = typer.Option(SortOrder.DESCENDING, help='Specify sort order'), sort_field: Optional[str] = typer.Option('id', help='The field by which results should be sorted'), from_application_id: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, help='Filter job-scripts by the application-id they were created from.'))
Show available job scripts
show_files(ctx: typer.Context, id: Optional[int] = typer.Argument(None, help='The specific id of the job script to be cloned.'), id_option: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, '--id', '-i', help='Alternative way to specify id.'), plain: bool = typer.Option(False, help='Show the files in plain text.'))
Show the files for a single job script by id.
update(ctx: typer.Context, id: Optional[int] = typer.Argument(None, help='The id of the job script to update'), id_option: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, '--id', '-i', help='Alternative way to specify the id of the job script to update'), name: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='Optional new name of the job script.'), description: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='Optional new text describing the job script.'))
Update an existing job script.
Provide tool functions for working with Job Script data
download_job_script_files(id: int, jg_ctx: ContextProtocol, destination_path: pathlib.Path) -> List[JobScriptFile]
Download all job script files from the API and save them to the destination path.
Retrieve a job_script from the API by id
Get the mapping of template names to output names.
This provides the mapping as expected by the API v4 from the configuration on CLI v3.
Inject sbatch params into job script.
Given the job script as job_script_data_as_string, inject the sbatch params in the correct location.
question_helper(question_func: Callable, text: str, default: Any, fast: bool, actual_value: Optional[Any])
Helper function for asking questions to the user.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
question_func |
The function to use to ask the question |
required |
text |
The text of the question to ask |
required |
default |
The default value to use if the user does not provide one |
required |
fast |
Whether to use default answers (when available) instead of asking the user |
required |
actual_value |
The actual value provided by the user, if any |
required |
Type | Description |
The actual_value
has the most priority and will be returned if it is not None.
After evaluating the actual_value
, the fast mode will determine if the default value will be used.
Otherwise, the question will be prompted to the user.
Remove the prefix 'templates/' and suffixes '.j2' and '.jinja2' from a string
render_job_script(jg_ctx: ContextProtocol, id_or_identifier: int | str, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, sbatch_params: Optional[List[str]] = None, param_file: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, fast: bool = False) -> JobScriptResponse
Render a new job script from an application.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
jg_ctx |
The Jobbergate context. |
required |
name |
Name of the new job script. |
application_id |
Id of the base application. |
required | |
application_identifier |
Identifier of the base application. |
required | |
description |
Description of the new job script. |
sbatch_params |
List of sbatch parameters. |
param_file |
Path to a parameters file. |
fast |
Whether to use default answers (when available) instead of asking the user. |
Type | Description |
The new job script. |
render_job_script_locally(jg_ctx: ContextProtocol, job_script_name: str, application_path: pathlib.Path, output_path: pathlib.Path, sbatch_params: Optional[List[str]] = None, param_file: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, fast: bool = False)
Render a new job script from an application in a local directory.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
jg_ctx |
The Jobbergate context. |
required |
job_script_name |
Name of the new job script. |
required |
application_path |
Path to the base application. |
required |
output_path |
Path to the output the rendered job script. |
required |
sbatch_params |
List of sbatch parameters. |
param_file |
Path to a parameters file. |
fast |
Whether to use default answers (when available) instead of asking the user. |
Render a template file and save it to the output directory.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
template_path |
The path to the template file. |
required |
parameters |
Dict[str, Any]
The parameters to use for rendering the template. |
required |
Type | Description |
The rendered template as a string. |
save_job_script_file(jg_ctx: ContextProtocol, destination_path: pathlib.Path, job_script_file: JobScriptFile) -> pathlib.Path
Save a job script file from the API response to the destination path.
upload_job_script_files(jg_ctx: ContextProtocol, job_script_id: int, job_script_path: pathlib.Path, supporting_file_paths: list[pathlib.Path] | None = None)
Upload a job-script and its supporting files given their paths and the job-script id.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
jg_ctx |
The |
required |
job_script_path |
The path to the job-script file to upload |
required |
supporting_file_paths |
list[Path] | None
The paths to any supporting files to upload with the job-scritpt |
job_script_id |
The id of the job-script for which to upload data |
required |
Validate parameter file at the supplied path and returns the parsed dict.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
parameter_path |
Path to the parameter file. |
required |
Type | Description |
If file does not exist or is not valid JSON. |
Type | Description |
Dict[str, Any]
Parsed dictionary from the parameter file. |
Provide a sub-app for interacting with Job Submission data.
Provide a typer
app that can interact with Job Submission data in a cruddy manner.
clone(ctx: typer.Context, id: Optional[int] = typer.Argument(None, help='The specific id of the job script to be updated.'), id_option: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, '--id', '-i', help='Alternative way to specify id.'))
Clone an existing job submission under the CREATED status, so it is re-submitted to the cluster.
create(ctx: typer.Context, job_script_id: Optional[int] = typer.Argument(None, help='The id of the job_script from which to create the job submission'), name: str = typer.Option(..., '--name', '-n', help='The name of the job submission to create'), description: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='A helpful description of the job submission'), job_script_id_option: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, '--job-script-id', '-i', help='Alternative way to specify the job script id'), cluster_name: str = typer.Option(None, help="The name of the cluster where the job should be submitted (i.g. 'nash-staging')"), execution_directory: Optional[Path] = typer.Option(None, help=dedent('\n The path on the cluster where the job script should be executed.\n If provided as a relative path, it will be converted as an absolute path from your current\n working directory. If you use "~" to denote your home directory, the path will be expanded to an\n absolute path for your home directory on *this* machine.\n ').strip()), sbatch_arguments: Optional[list[str]] = typer.Option(None, '--sbatch-arguments', '-s', help=dedent('\n Additional arguments to pass as sbatch directives. These should be provided as a list of strings.\n See more details at:\n ').strip()), download: bool = typer.Option(False, help='Download the job script files to the current working directory'))
Create a new job submission.
delete(ctx: typer.Context, id: Optional[int] = typer.Argument(None, help='The id of the job submission to delete'), id_option: Optional[int] = typer.Option(..., '--id', '-i', help='Alternative way to specify id'))
Delete an existing job submission.
get_one(ctx: typer.Context, id: Optional[int] = typer.Argument(None, help='The specific id of the job submission to be selected.'), id_option: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, '--id', '-i', help='Alternative way to specify id'))
Get a single job submission by id
list_all(ctx: typer.Context, show_all: bool = typer.Option(False, '--all', help='Show all job submissions, even the ones owned by others'), search: Optional[str] = typer.Option(None, help='Apply a search term to results'), sort_order: SortOrder = typer.Option(SortOrder.DESCENDING, help='Specify sort order'), sort_field: Optional[str] = typer.Option('id', help='The field by which results should be sorted'), from_job_script_id: Optional[int] = typer.Option(None, help='Filter job-submissions by the job-script-id they were created from.'))
Show available job submissions.
Provide tool functions for working with Job Submission data
Bases: ABC
A dataclass representing a job submission for Jobbergate.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
jg_ctx |
The JobbergateContext. Used to retrieve the client for requests and the email of the submitting user. |
required |
job_script_id |
The |
required |
name |
The name to attach to the Job Submission. |
required |
description |
An optional description that may be added to the Job Submission. |
cluster_name |
str | None
An optional cluster_name for the cluster where the job should be executed. If left off, it will default to the DEFAULT_CLUSTER_NAME from the settings. If no default is set, an exception will be raised. |
execution_directory |
Path | None
An optional directory where the job should be executed. If provided as a relative path, it will be constructed as an absolute path relative to the current working directory. |
download |
A flag indicating whether the job script files should be downloaded to the execution directory. |
sbatch_arguments |
An optional list of arguments to pass to inject into the job script. |
Post-init hook to ensure that the cluster_name and execution_directory are set correctly.
Return the data to be used in the POST request to the API.
Make the POST request to the API to create the job submission.
Process the job submission. This method should be overridden by subclasses.
Bases: JobSubmissionABC
Return the data to be used in the POST request to the API.
Inject sbatch parameters into the job script.
Bases: JobSubmissionABC
Retrieve a job submission from the API by id
job_submissions_factory(jg_ctx: ContextProtocol, job_script_id: int, name: str, execution_directory: Path | None = None, cluster_name: str | None = None, download: bool = False, description: Optional[str] = None, sbatch_arguments: Optional[list[str]] = None) -> JobSubmissionABC
Job submission factory function. Returns the correct job submission class based on the current mode.
Provide some basic tools for manipulating text.
Joins strings supplied as args.
Helper that wraps str.join()
without having to pack strings in an iterable.
Copy the provided text to the clipboard.
If the clipboard is not available, return False. Otherwise, return True.
Dedents each blob supplied as an argument and then joins them.
Simple wrapper for the textwrap.indent() method but includes a default prefix.