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API Dev Tools

The Jobbergate API sub-project is equipped with a few tools designed to assist with some everyday development tasks. These can help streamline the process of setting up and interacting with the API.

The dev-tools are shipped as a CLI program that can be invoked via Poetry within the project. All of the commands will operate within the virtual environment set up by Poetry.

Invoking dev-tools

To invoke the dev tools, you must execute the commands from the home directory for the jobbergate-api. To see some information about the dev-tools, execute:

poetry run dev-tools --help

This will provide some help output that shows what options and sub-commands are available:

Usage: dev-tools [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Install completion for the specified shell.
  --show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Show completion for the specified shell, to
                                  copy it or customize the installation.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  dev-server  Start a development server locally.
  show-env    Print out the current environment settings.

The --help option is available for all of the subcommands provided in dev-tools.

The db subcommand

There are a few convenience methods in the dev-tools for interacting with Jobbergate API's PostgreSQL database. These tools are found in the db subcommand. To see more info about this sub-command, run:

poetry run dev-tools db --help

The login subcommand

This command allows you to log in to the database that your Jobbergate API is configured to connect with. It allows you to login to databases, regardless of whether they are locally hosted via Docker or situated on a remote PostgreSQL server. This ensures seamless access to any database that the Jobbergate API is configured to connect with.

To log in to the database, execute this command:

poetry run dev-tools db login

The command will show some debug output including the URL of the database to which it is connecting and will then show a REPL connection to the database:

2022-09-07 15:52:02.089 | DEBUG    | dev_tools.db:login:26 - Logging into database: postgresql://compose-db-user:compose-db-pswd@localhost:5432/compose-db-name
Server: PostgreSQL 14.1 (Debian 14.1-1.pgdg110+1)
Version: 3.4.1

The migrate subcommand

This command uses alembic to generate a migration script to bring the current database (described by the environment) up to date with the SQLAlchemy models specified in the Jobbergate API source code.

To invoke the migration script generation, execute:

poetry run dev-tools db migrate --message="An example migration"

Some logging info will be produced, including the location of the new migration script:

2022-09-07 15:58:09.725 | DEBUG    | dev_tools.db:migrate:79 - Creating migration with message: An example migration
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
INFO  [alembic.ddl.postgresql] Detected sequence named 'applications_id_seq' as owned by integer column 'applications(id)', assuming SERIAL and omitting
INFO  [alembic.ddl.postgresql] Detected sequence named 'job_scripts_id_seq' as owned by integer column 'job_scripts(id)', assuming SERIAL and omitting
INFO  [alembic.ddl.postgresql] Detected sequence named 'job_submissions_id_seq' as owned by integer column 'job_submissions(id)', assuming SERIAL and omitting
  Generating /home/dusktreader/git-repos/omnivector/jobbergate/jobbergate-api/alembic/versions/ ...  done
  Running post write hook "black" ...
reformatted /home/dusktreader/git-repos/omnivector/jobbergate/jobbergate-api/alembic/versions/

All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
1 file reformatted.
  Running post write hook "isort" ...
Fixing /home/dusktreader/git-repos/omnivector/jobbergate/jobbergate-api/alembic/versions/

The generated migration should always be reviewed before it is committed to the repository.

It is also possible to produce a blank migration if you need to execute some raw SQL or write an Alembic script by hand. Just pass the --blank parameter on the command line:

poetry run dev-tools db migrate --blank --message="A blank migration"

The upgrade subcommand

This subcommand is used to apply a database migration to the database that the Jobbergate API is configured to connect with.

By default, it will apply all the migrations that have not yet been applied to the database.

To apply the migrations, execute the command:

poetry run dev-tools db upgrade

It will produce some logging output that shows what migrations were applied:

2022-09-07 16:05:46.315 | DEBUG    | dev_tools.db:upgrade:89 - Upgrading database...
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
INFO  [alembic.runtime.migration] Running upgrade d22da0741b7f -> c275de463a90, An example migration

If you wish to only upgrade the database to a specific migration, you can pass that migration's id to the --target param.

The show-env subcommand

This command will show how the Jobbergate API is configured through its environment settings. To see the environment, execute this command:

poetry run dev-tools show-env

The output that the command produces will look something like:

Jobbergate settings:
  DATABASE_HOST: localhost
  DATABASE_USER: compose-db-user
  DATABASE_PSWD: compose-db-pswd
  DATABASE_NAME: compose-db-name
  S3_BUCKET_NAME: jobbergate-k8s-staging
  ARMASEC_DOMAIN: localhost:9080/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect

The command can also produce the output as JSON if needed by passing the --json flag:

poetry run dev-tools show-env --json

The JSON output will look something like:

{"DEPLOY_ENV": "LOCAL", "LOG_LEVEL": "DEBUG", "DATABASE_HOST": "localhost", "DATABASE_USER": "compose-db-user", "DATABASE_PSWD": "compose-db-pswd", "DATABASE_NAME": "compose-db-name", "DATABASE_PORT": 5432, "TEST_DATABASE_HOST": "localhost", "TEST_DATABASE_USER": "test-user", "TEST_DATABASE_PSWD": "test-pswd", "TEST_DATABASE_NAME": "test-db", "TEST_DATABASE_PORT": 5433, "S3_BUCKET_NAME": "jobbergate-k8s-staging", "S3_ENDPOINT_URL": null, "ARMASEC_DOMAIN": "localhost:9080/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect", "ARMASEC_USE_HTTPS": true, "ARMASEC_DEBUG": true, "ARMASEC_ADMIN_DOMAIN": null, "ARMASEC_ADMIN_MATCH_KEY": null, "ARMASEC_ADMIN_MATCH_VALUE": null, "IDENTITY_CLAIMS_KEY": "", "SENTRY_DSN": null, "SENTRY_SAMPLE_RATE": 1.0, "MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE": 104857600, "SENDGRID_FROM_EMAIL": null, "SENDGRID_API_KEY": null}

The dev-server subcommand

This command starts up a local development server for the Jobbergate API. It will be created using the configuration set up in the environment settings. This command is especially useful if you want to run the API locally but connect to remote services such as a database and s3 hosted on AWS.

To start the server, run:

poetry run dev-tools dev-server

The command will produce some logging output that looks like this:

2022-09-07 16:15:05.830 | INFO     | dev_tools.dev_server:dev_server:50 - Waiting for the database
2022-09-07 16:15:05.830 | DEBUG    | dev_tools.dev_server:_wait_for_db:23 - database url is: postgresql://compose-db-user:compose-db-pswd@localhost:5432/compose-db-name
2022-09-07 16:15:05.830 | DEBUG    | dev_tools.dev_server:_wait_for_db:26 - Checking health of database at postgresql://compose-db-user:compose-db-pswd@localhost:5432/compose-db-name: Attempt #0
INFO:     Will watch for changes in these directories: ['/home/dusktreader/git-repos/omnivector/jobbergate/jobbergate-api']
INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO:     Started reloader process [27314] using statreload
2022-09-07 16:15:06.555 | INFO     | jobbergate_api.main:<module>:39 - Skipping Sentry
INFO:     Started server process [27319]
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
2022-09-07 16:15:06.587 | INFO     | jobbergate_api.main:init_logger:71 - Logging configured 📝 Level: DEBUG
2022-09-07 16:15:06.587 | DEBUG    | jobbergate_api.main:init_database:79 - Initializing database
INFO:     Application startup complete.

There are additional options that can control some of the details of the settings of the dev server. These can be examined with the --help flag:

poetry run dev-tools dev-server --help

The dev server options will be printed like:

Usage: dev-tools dev-server [OPTIONS]

  Start a development server locally.

  --db-wait-count INTEGER   How many times to attempt a check  [default: 3]
  --db-wait-interval FLOAT  Seconds to wait between checks  [default: 5.0]
  --port INTEGER            The port where the server should listen  [default:
  --log-level TEXT          The level to log uvicorn output  [default: DEBUG]
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

The --db-wait-* flags are used to make the dev server wait for the dev database to become available. These are mostly useful in the context of docker-compose.

It should also be noted that a development uvicorn server will automatically reload the app if the source files of the app change. This is very helpful for debugging behavior in the app without having to manually stop and start the app after every source code modification.